This is for the introvert next to you …

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I hate the smooth talkers who don’t have to think twice before starting a conversation with a stranger, who don’t have to practice answers 4 times in their head before blurting it out. No, I don’t. I am just saying that. I adore them. I want to be them. But it’s time I stop fantasizing and kidding myself.

I come up with these amazing speeches in my head that would leave the audience speechless. You know, where I form the perfect sentences and the words are in such a beautiful sequence that it makes people cry and laugh and feel everything I want to say. And they stand up and clap for me. A standing ovation!

I come up with these really clever comebacks to conversations I have. Some of them are pure genius. But, it is usually days after the actual conversation has happened. And my mind can’t stop thinking about what I should have said.

People say I am very silent. They ask how can I be so quiet all the time. I have news for you, buddy. You should see inside my head. It is so loud and so messy, I can’t seem to pick which words to say because there are just so many! Thousands of possible answers to a question. Millions of cheeky comebacks to a taunt. How do you pick one? And by the time you do, people have moved on. And you sit there reeling in your glory of that perfect response. But, nobody knows.

Being an introvert is extremely difficult in a world that is designed for extroverts. But those are just labels, aren’t they? Introvert, extrovert, ambivert, this and that. They don’t really mean anything or help me in any shape or form. So what do we do then? How do we solve this problem?

The world has been glorifying the fast talkers for a while. You know, the people with charisma. And where are the broken, socially-awkward geeks celebrated? Only in art, I guess. Because if Batman wasn’t broken and socially awkward, how would he have this dark, deep, mysterious personality? The point is, we accept them as characters we like to watch. But not as people in our own lives. Especially not the one sitting next to you. Because they are boring and dull in real life.

So, this is for the socially awkward, slow-speaking introverts out there.

When you are struggling to keep up with a conversation, I see you.
When you are trying hard to choose a perfect comeback, I see you.
When your head is just so fast that your mouth can’t keep up, I see you.

I know you can write the perfect words but can’t speak them out loud.
I know how you get into a shell when people start using loud volume as a substitute for content.
I know you would rather talk about deeper things but how do you dread small talk!

It isn’t your fault that people don’t notice you.
It isn’t your fault that you want to skip the parties.
It isn’t your fault that the smooth talker gets picked over you.

I know you hate being called shy or an introvert or just about any name.
I know you have built a crazy world for yourself in your beautiful mind.
I know that world belongs only to you even if you found a life partner.

It is ok.
It is ok to be you.
The world needs to learn how to deal with you.
Not the other way around.

Disclaimer: This is a ramble. I am not against Extroverts or any other group people identify themselves with. I wasn’t trying to be politically correct either.

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4 thoughts on “This is for the introvert next to you …”

  1. I was able to connect on a lot of things mentioned above ..especially the loud noise in my mind..nicely written (oops sorry rambled ) 🙂

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